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I am willing to go to the end of the earth and back for the success of my clients. 


My goal is to apply my passion for beauty, photography and design to work closely with each brand to create unique, creative branding themes that ensures differentiation. 




My life started from a relatively humble beginning. I've never associated myself with any particular village or area, because my family had moved 11 times in less than 30 years. All part of the sacrifice my parents made, as they gave their everything to afford me (their one and only precious one) the best education and to support whatever opportunities I wanted to pursue.


I was a studious (aka goofy-looking) pupil of Mucurapo Girls R.C School,   then St. Francois Girls College. Then I went on to full time University of the West Indies, where I spent way too much time limin' by SAC, FSS, MLT and LRC. Meanwhile, I happened to attain a Bachelor's degree in Spanish and Communications 


As internship opportunities popped up, I took on temporary employment stints at ALGICO, BG, the Ministry of Energy... and some professional modeling here and there.




My #marketingcareer kicked off at WITCO/CARISMA (of British American Tobacco), an absolutely fantastic multinational company. In the midst of tobacco legislation , advertising restrictions and strict sanctions by health authorities, we had to promote a 'bad-books' product so well that its sales would grow exponentially. (Com'on guys. Don't judge me). It got a bit more challenging when I was assigned to champion a new premium brand of cigarettes. This wasn't just about getting my marketing feet wet. This was branding at the deep end. 


I learnt soooo much from my years working there and I got the opportunity to travel pretty often .  Actually, my very first trip abroad was as an adult for a business trip to Costa Rica through the US. (Yup. I didn't even have a visa before). Also thanks to that job, I attended lots of social events, especially Carnival fetes! It was sort of a dream job for anyone coming straight out of university like me. 


Juggling school, work events and travel, I went on to attain a Master's degree in Marketing at Arthur Lok Jack GSB 




Then out of nowhere came my first son! lol Life became quite different. I took a decision to hang up my party shoes to open doors for a more senior Marketing position, with the hope that it would've at least been a lil less hectic. 


I moved to another multinational, Kimberly-Clark Corporation. Lucky me, I was given a senior regional responsibility to manage a #premiumbrand. But... to whom much is given, much is expected, right? So it was not an easy transition. What was really great though, was that at KCC, I gained lots more valuable experience, this time in an entirely different industry.


In spite of all the international travel and corporate exposure, somehow I still had a feeling that I wanted to contribute something more meaningful... you know that gut feeling that pokes at you but you just keep ignoring it?!?! I left #corporatelife in an attempt to find more work-life balance (who was I kidding!?!?) and an attempt to follow that gut feeling.




By nature, I'm a busy body. Some even describe me as high-strung. But throughout my career, I had grown to understand the importance of a calm professional disposition and confident demeanor, especially as a female executive. So I thought, why not share my experience and all that I had learnt, to help other women feel empowered and self-confident. 


So, in 2015, I founded More Than Makeup!


Oh wait, did I mention that I'm now a mom of two boys lol. Creative sometimes and other times just crazy... Whenever the boys allow it, I still try to be a successful entrepreneur lol




Fast-forward to 2021 and the entire world has been turned upside down. Many women and #mompreneurs have found themselves working-from-home, running home-school, #furloughed, retrenched, in some sort of career uncertainty, or entirely lost in the new normal. But the opportunities are there and we've got to adapt.


I've found myself loving this passion, where I work individually with women to carve out and highlight their unique values in our busy and crowded virtual environment. This type of branding and positioning requires an alignment of virtual presence with personal and business goals. Teshea Lloyd Branding is born. I've been pulling out some old branding tricks to make it happen. I'm still learning too and I'm definitely not perfect, but I'll be sure to share my stories and some tips as I go along.


That's me in a coconut-shell lol. I'd be excited to work with you on crafting your brand, to help you fulfil your goals and dreams.


Let's build a community to empower each other!

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